Wednesday, December 10, 2014


2 little snowflake ornaments this week! And 3 weeks to go. I must admit I'm feeling the need to do some other crafting soon. I think we'll transition to "Finish it in Fifteen" for the new year. Not a project a week though. Enough of that kind of pressure!

The ornament on the right is from pinterest. It is made with plastic snowflake buttons - not shank buttons, ones with holes. I ended up buying 2 packages trying to get six large ones of one kind to make the bottom ring. I ended up not liking  the ones that matched so I alternated 2 styles. I had plenty of matching smaller ones - they were small enough that I need more than six to go around. I used a hot glue gun to glue the top layer on. Since each overlaps 2 lower ones it holds that layer together. I had three tiny buttons I liked so I put them on the top. Cute and easy!

I started this one last week. It is like the blue star  from last week but three layers thick. I found the directions to stitch the layers together relatively incomprehensible! I made something up that seems to work. You might notice some threads hanging out - I need to put some glue on before I cut them.

Today I bought a cute little metal tree-like thing. It will be crowded but I'm going to us it to display the ornaments from this year. Hopefully I'll have a picture next week with an update after the final three ornaments are done.

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