Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Pushing pins again

Not much to say about this one other than it takes a boat load of pins and sequins to cover these kind of ornaments! There are two more of these stocking ornaments in the kit, each with a different pattern of sequins. Usually I'd make just one of them but these are pretty cute. I think I'll set them aside and use them later Maybe.

A few people have commented on what my tree might look like this year. At the risk of losing my citizenship in Oregon (we grow a lot of Christmas trees here!) I'll admit that I have an incredible artificial tree - full but enough room between the branches to put tons of ornaments on. I also have a great space in my living room for it - in front of a bay window - where I can put ornaments all the way around.  More on this later.


Melissa ~ twoknitwit said...

GORGEOUS!!! I love the reflections in all your windows, Karen ~

truly magnificent :))


Unknown said...

I'm posting a comment so you know I'm really reading your blog!


Unknown said...

Hey, took me a while to find out you had a blog..... just want you to know that I think a lot about you, like everyday and everytime I yelle at my cats "No,no, bad kitties !"
Anyways, I've got some picture of them I'd love to share with you, and maybe send you some further news ?
Your blog is great by the way, ever heard of New Zealand's Xmas stars ? They're really beautiful and easy to make (bead work).
Hope to hear from you very soon., or maybe on facebook ?

Take care, miss you
The white exchange student