Wednesday, April 2, 2014

A long time coming . . .

I have had an unfinished beaded ornament cover sitting in my craft space for over 10 years. Seriously! This week I decided to finish it.

I love the ornament covers in the Beadecked Ornament series. The author, Laura Jansen, had a website back in the day and offered kits of beads for various ornaments. This was one I had bought. The problem: I had no idea which variation of which ornament I was making! The dangles were easy - I had a few done. The crown was easy - there weren't many choices. But, the embellishment over the netting - no idea!

I decided I would do every other row of one of them. Once
finished, I counted the beads and the rows. It seemed there were enough beads to do most of the other rows. Then, after doing some of them, I realized I can't count. Going through my bead stash I found some fire polish beads that are close enough.

I usually put these kind of ornaments on a special display instead of the tree. I've been filling extra spaces on it with crystal stars. Next December I get to take one of those away.

Pretty! And not only is it another ornament but another unfinished project done!


Melissa ~ twoknitwit said...

holy smokes, Karen ~ these are GORGEOUS!!!

I didn't realize you were blogging til today ~ I'm hooked!

your holiday tree must be drop dead beautiful with handmade ornaments :)

Melissa (how 'bout those M's??!!)

Karen said...

Melissa! Glad you found me. I feel like I've been talking to myself :-)

Those M's are killing me right now.


Melissa ~ twoknitwit said...

they won yesterday...thank goodness

and then took a day off to hopefully soak it in and get their groove back!