Wednesday, July 30, 2014

On the road

For the last few years I've been taking a trip to Seattle the week when Stitch and Pitch happens. I love baseball. I love knitting. And I love a few days alone in a hotel. Reading at meals. Sleeping when I want. Only worrying about me. Indulgent! Last week was the week. I spent 2 days alone and Ward joined me for 2. The Mariners lost 3 of 4 games - it isn't easy being a Mariners fan!

 I  needed a portable project. These little knitted hats seemed to be a good choice.I made one the first night and another the next. These are kits I got at Knit Purl in Portland several years ago. There are 3 colors of yarn and 3 patterns: a fair isle, a striped and a solid. I didn't make the solid.

I thought it would like posing on my windowsill overlooking Safeco Field!

When I got home I added the pompoms. I've never made a pompom before. I used a fork, wrapping the 3 yarns around the tines abou.t 15 times. Then I tied around the middle and trimmed.  The only hard thing was tying the middle tightly. Yarn didn't work well - it kept breaking. I eventually used the same beading thread I used last week. I think they might need to be stuffed with something - tissue? - to look more well-shaped.

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